Tuesday, 10 October 2023 19:17

Photos from St Mary’s Towers, Douglas Park

Photos from St Mary’s Towers, Douglas Park

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PP, Tru,

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celebrates a blessing of the animals outside the chapel,

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assisted by Long.

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Meanwhile, community leader, Dominic Gleeson, has continued his ministry of leading the Spiritual Exercises, 30-Day Retreat, this time with MSC students in Fiji,


He writes: “The MSC Province of the Pacific Islands men of the Novitiate have just completed their Ignatian 30 Days retreat at Krist Jyoti Ashram at Namata, Fiji.   We are beginning the days of appropriation – and we have arrived at the MSC Novitiate at Wainadoi to undertake this process.   You will notice that they are wearing specially made MSC necklaces, which were a kind gift from our Vietnamese brothers in Vietnam.  


Please continue to pray for Vincent, Ieiera, Rataro and Kourabi as they prepare for their First Profession of Vows as MSC on December 8th.


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