Wednesday, 11 October 2023 19:32

Honouring Australian religious composers, Kevin Bates, SM, Michael Herry FMS, James Maher MSC.


Honouring Australian religious composers, Kevin Bates, SM, Michael Herry FMS, James Maher MSC.

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This is the notification for the Mystery & Mission: The Art of Liturgical Celebration, a National Liturgy & Music Conference held in Brisbane at the end of September.

Willow Publishing & One License Present

Dear Friends,

Last week, I had the pleasure of introducing you to three talented female composers. Today, it brings me great joy to introduce you to three dedicated men within the Willow family whose music will be featured at the Mystery & Mission: The Art of Liturgical Celebration, a National Liturgy & Music Conference at the end of September.

I've been involved in publishing music for the church for many decades, and I am immensely grateful for the individuals within our Willow family who have tirelessly composed music, enriching our faith communities.

TODAY I'm excited to introduce you to three incredible men who have been actively involved in composing music throughout their adult lives! Their music is well-loved, and they hold a special place in the hearts and minds of many throughout Australia. 



For anyone lucky to know FR KEVIN BATES, it's clear he's an extraordinary individual, where music and ministry blend together seamlessly in his life. For Fr. Kev, the art of music-making and songwriting is not merely a craft, but a powerful channel to touch the souls of those he ministers to.

Fr. Kev's compositions, like the beloved "A Shepherd I'll Be," "A Journey Remembered," and "A Trusting Psalm," are more than notes and lyrics. They are expressions that resonate deeply, rousing emotions and inviting listeners on an encounter with God and each other. 

What sets Fr. Kevin's musical ministry apart is his innate ability to write songs that speak to people of diverse experiences and backgrounds. Just as music transcends boundaries, Fr. Kevin's compositions have an incredible capacity to unite hearts. This unique quality of his work is a testament to his understanding of music as the universal language Aristotle once noted – a language that surpasses differences and creates communion.



BR JAMES MAHER (3 September 1963 - 6 December 2015) was a multifaceted artist, theologian, and poet, who dedicated his life in service to the faith community.

I had the privilege of crossing paths with James a few years before his life was cut short due to Lymphoma. His music resonated with me profoundly, and together, we endeavoured to ensure that his musical legacy would continue to be cherished and embraced after his passing. I'm honoured to be able to present his entire musical catalogue via Willow Publishing.

James possessed a unique gift for crafting lyrics that cut straight to the core, evoking deep emotions in those who listened. His words had the power to stir the soul and resonate with profound truths.

In James's own words, "Hymns and spiritual songs communicate a particular spirituality and a particular theology. Through words and music, I desire to give expression to a spirituality that recognizes the reality of the Divine God in the daily joys and struggles of life, and in the desires of the human heart. Songs are poems with wings! Words carried on the wings of a melody can enter the heart very directly. They can touch the heart, speak to the heart, and evoke a response from the heart."

James was a prolific writer and it's tricky to isolate a handful of songs for this post.  Some of my favourites are "We Will Draw Water", "The Call" "Let Me Know Your Love" and the popular song "Live the Gospel"

I remember James, or Jamie as he was affectionately known, with immense affection and deep respect for him as a beautiful soul and for his exceptional creative talents. We eagerly anticipate sharing his music at the upcoming BIG SING!  



With a rich history of composing and presenting liturgical music within the Australian Church, BR MICHAEL HERRY has contributed significantly to enhancing our worship experiences. His passion lies in the profound impact music has on prayer and worship, guiding us towards a deeper relationship with God. 

Over the years, he has written music that enables individuals and communities to pray via his beautiful chants, hymns, psalms and mass settings.

We are excited to announce that Br Michael has written a new mass setting, "MASS OF THE PEOPLE OF GOD", which will be released at the Mystery & Mission Conference later this month. The digital version will be available in October via

You can download a range of Michael's music for free at:

Please remember, if you make any reproductions of Br Michael's music, you must report the usage via ONE LICENSE.

I hope you will support the amazing contribution made by Fr Kevin, Br James and Br Michael and enjoy the FREE mp3s and FREE music. 

Stay tuned for the next installment, where I'll share more about the composers who are part of the Willow family.

Until next time… take care.

Monica O'Brien - Publisher