Thursday, 12 October 2023 21:02

On the day before the Referendum

On the day before the Referendum

pd yes poster

We acknowledge, Patrick Dodson, Father of Reconciliation, remembering his education at Monivae College and the years that he shared our MSC lives with us.

yes listen

The MSCs have always said Yes to our Indigenous people. I plan to continue that tradition by voting Yes at the 14 October referendum. In voting Yes, I want to acknowledge our First Peoples in Australia’s Constitution and to agree to their request to be heard on matters that directly affect them by our nation’s principal decision makers. 

I hope all my MSC confreres will vote Yes too.  Leo Wearden MSC, from his letter on this site,  5th October 2023

another yes

YES. Yes for constitutional recognition. It is time. Yes for the soul of this country. We are all in need of healing. But, and above all, Yes to LISTENING. Listening to the unique gifts and graces our First Nations people bring us. Yes to a deeper listening in the future in Canberra but also in my heart, home and wherever I travel upon this most ancient of lands.  Brian McCoy SJ.

yes vote

Yes. In Corinthians, Paul teaches that we are all called to the ministry of reconciliation, based on the divine model of reconciliation in Christ who died on the cross and rose again to overcome our wrongdoing and reconcile us with God. In Australia I believe it is whitefellas like me – not First Nations people – who are charged with the work of reconciliation, of making amends for our past, through meaningful action towards a better future in which we can truly walk together.     Peter Sherlock, Vice Chancellor, University of Divinity.

